Term | Description |
API | Application Program Interface. Body: Allows the client or server to pass data with an HTTP request or response. Vibes Connect APIs expect body data to be formatted as XML. Not all requests or responses will contain a body. Method: HTTP is the format used to enable communication between clients (like Web browsers) and servers. The most common methods are GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. URL: The Web address. The URL host is the Vibes public API site. Header: Allows the client or server to pass additional meta-information with an HTTP request or response. Content type and Authorization are examples of header information the Vibes Connect API supports. All requests or responses will contain a header. |
Callback | A callback entity is a registration to receive callback to an external URL. It is identified by a CallbackID, which uniquely identifies the record. Additionally, each callback is unique for a given callback type and active date range. |
Client Certificate Authentication | Vibes supports Client Certificate Authentication as an extra layer of security for API calls. Client Certificate Authentication for Vibes APIs Client Certificate Authentication for Callbacks |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management. |
E.164 | E.164 is the official format for all international phone numbers that includes a plus sign (+) followed by a country code and phone number. For example: U.S.: +12025550132 U.K.: +441632960964 Brazil: +5511991234567 |
ESME | External Short Message Entity. This type of endpoint is used in an SMPP connection. |
IE | Information Elements. |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data-interchange format. Example: The following shows the JSON representation of a Subscription entity within the APIs. { "person":{ "id":"ABC123", "url":"/companies/:id/mobiledb/persons/:person_id" }, "subscription_list":{ "id":"1234", "url":"/companies/:id/mobiledb/subscription_lists/:id" }, "opt_in_date":"2017-01-15T15:34:52Z", "url":"/companies/:id/mobiledb/persons/:person_id/subscriptions/:subscription_list_id" } |
MDN | Mobile Directory Number. |
MMS | Multimedia Messaging Service. This is a message that includes some sort of media elements, such as an image, gif, or video. |
MO | Mobile Originated, meaning the message originates from the customer’s mobile device. This is a message the client sends from their mobile phone to the Vibes API and is then routed to an endpoint of your choice. |
MT | Mobile Terminated, meaning the message terminates at the customer’s mobile device. In other words, this is a message sent to a client’s mobile phone. |
SMPP | Short Message Peer-to-Peer. In the telecommunications industry, this is a standard protocol that binds two points together and allows SMSs to travel back and forth. |
SMS | Short Message Service. This is a message that includes only text. |
SMSC | Short Message Service Center. This data center is responsible for the delivery and temporary storage of SMS messages. |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol. |
Updated about 1 year ago