Bug Tracker

Below are some of the common issues you may run into while using our APIs. If you’re unable to find the problem here, please feel free to reach out to Customer Care.

Created DateJune 24 2020
StatusPending with Carrier
SummaryMMS GIF images show up after the message on Verizon iPhone when too big
Description of IssueTypically, MMS GIF messages will show up before the text on an MMS message. However, currently an MMS GIF on Verizon on iPhone that is greater than ~62KB will show up after the image.
Steps to Confirm Issue• Send a message to a T-Mobile iPhone with a 100 kb GIF. It will show up before the text as expected.
• Send a message to a Verizon iPhone with a 50 kb GIF. It will show up before the text as expected.
• Send a message to a Verizon iPhone with a 100 kb GIF. It will show up after the text.
Known CauseNo known cause.
MitigationsSend a gif image of less than ~62KB or change messaging to account for the ordering difference.
Created DateAugust 24 2019
StatusResolved (via workaround)
SummaryMMS issue on Apple devices on T-Mobile
Description of IssueMMS message sent to Apple devices on T-Mobile are being rejected by the handset. This impacts file types of PNG, MP4, .txt, .pdf, .vcf, but not JPG. T-Mobile is working to resolve this issue.
Steps to Confirm Issue• Send a message to a T-Mobile app device with a PNG. The message will fail.
• Send a message to a different carrier or Android device or JPG format file. The message will succeed.
Known CauseFrom device logs, they found iPhones unable to parse past the. Highlighted portion of the request body:

=\_PART_1_508319571.1515623980041"; TYPE="IMAGE/PNG"; NAME="ICON_MARKET.PNG"; START="\<ICON_MARKET.PNG>"
MitigationsRemoving the TYPE="IMAGE/PNG"; portion of the request resolves the issue and does not impact the other carriers.